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Message from the president
We are pleased to address that the International Society of Radiation Neurobiology has been officially established at January 29, 2011. The society has a mission to unite the neurobiologists and radiologists and to explore the new scientific field called radiation neurobiology. The origin of the society can be traced back to the COE International Symposium held by the Gunma University 21st Century COE Program "Biomedical research using accelerator technology".
At that symposium we realized the presence of mysterious neuronal responses against the radiation exposure. To seek out the new principles in the neurobiology and in the radiology; the neurobiologists who are interested in using the radiation exposure for the neuroscience, and the radiologists who are interested in the effect of radiation exposure to the brain and neurons, are gathered, and they aim at establishing the new scientific field called “Radiation Neurobiology”.
We hope that this society will facilitate the synergistic development of research and education in all areas of radiation neurobiology, and will contribute to the welfare of human beings on the world, and possibly in the universe in near future.
Tomoaki Shirao, President